Hot Caramel Macchiato

Hola! It is beautiful early morning when i made this hot caramel macchiato coffee. Actually, this was a request from my little sister. She would love to have a sweet hot coffee during this raining morning before going to school. So, who loves coffee with a sweet taste?
2 tablespoon gridded coffee
100 ml boiled water
100 ml milk
3 teaspoon caramel sauce
1 teaspoon hazelnut sauce (you can change the syrup using vanilla, it’s up to you)
It’s super simple, like usual if you have beans so you should grind it. But you can always use instant black coffee for this. Here, I am using mokapot for manual brewing coffee. I just need to heat it in 15 minutes. If you don’t have this stuff, you can mix the coffee in the boiled water. Stir it ten times. Strain the water so there is no waste.
Firstly, pour the both of syrup to the mug. For better taste, I put the hazelnut in the mug but I let the caramel syrup smeared around the mug. Secondly, pour both of the coffee and milk together. So, the hot caramel macchiato is ready.
Enjoy and happy coffee!

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